Ideal Founder Series 005 Gotou, Founder of Fish Act Inform
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Ideal Founder Series 005
Gotou, Founder of Fish Act Inform

Apr 28, 2023



Podcast 魚活通亂亂說:影音資源/

Line 官方帳號:

About Founder 

水族及水產養殖產業正在面對巨大的改變,然而在這樣的局勢下,Gotou 仍然在產業中站穩了腳步。 

業界十分缺乏「顧問」這個角色,充滿熱情的 Gotou 決定成為改變的第一道曙光。利用多年下來累積的經驗,Gotou 正一點一滴透過魚活通帶來更多改變,同時為這個充滿潛力的產業帶來全新的樣貌!

The aquarium and aquaculture industry is facing tremendous changes, yet amidst such circumstances, Gotou has managed to maintain a firm foothold in the industry. 

The industry lacks the role of "consultant", so Gotou decided to become the force to drive the change. Leveraging the experience accumulated over the years, Gotou is gradually bringing more changes through Fish Act Inform, while also bringing a fresh look to this industry full of potential!


將目光放在從根本提升水族及水產養殖業的 Gotou 從學生時代起,就一直將「反求諸己」這句話放在心中。

求學過程並不滿足用於評斷是否可以順利畢業的標準,Gotou 追求的是不斷精進、不斷成長的機會 ; 而面對現今水族及水產養殖業的巨大變化下,Gotou 仍秉持著一樣的精神去執行每件事情、面對每位客戶,因為他知道若是希望看到真正的改變,那麼他必須反求諸己,成為他想看到的改變。

Focusing on improving the aquarium and aquaculture industry fundamentally, Gotou has dedicated himself to excellence since his student days. The education he went through wasn't simply about pursuing graduation; Gotou pursued continuous improvement and growth opportunities. Facing the tremendous changes in the aquarium and aquaculture industry today, Gotou still upholds the same spirit in executing every task and dealing with every client. He knows that if he wants to see real change, he must reflect and become the change he wishes to see.

Q. 請用三個詞形容你自己 / Use three words to describe yourself


Focus, Accurate, Agile.

Q. 如果你沒有開始你的事業,現在的你會在做什麼呢? / If you weren’t building your startup, what would you be doing? 



If I hadn't founded Fish Act Inform, I believe I would still be pursuing a career in the branding and marketing industry, striving for exceptional performance. At the same time, I would continue to nurture my passion for aquaculture and ornamental fish as a side business, aiming to help more people truly understand this industry.

I firmly believe in the endless potential this industry possesses, and that's why I'm willing to devote more time and energy to contribute to its growth and prosperity.

Q. 在創業的過程中,你面對最艱難的挑戰是什麼 ? / What significant challenges have you faced when working on this company?



One of the significant challenges we have faced while working on this company is the abundance of client projects and the highly specialized nature of the industry. It has been difficult to find people with the right expertise to join our team and help us handle the workload.

Despite this challenge, we remain committed to our mission and are constantly seeking out passionate individuals who share our vision and are eager to contribute their skills and knowledge to the growth of the company.

Q. 如果在創業過程中你可以做一件事情不同的事,那會是什麼? / If you could have done one thing differently while building your startup, what would it be?



Looking back on our journey in building Fish Act Inform, if there's one thing I would have done differently, it would be learning how to set up a website earlier in the process. 

A strong online presence is vital for a business to thrive in today's digital landscape, and it would have saved us time and resources had we mastered this skill from the get-go.

Q. 你是怎麼衡量你的成功? 你衡量的標準是什麼? / At the moment, how do you measure success? What are your metrics?








At the moment, our primary measure of success lies in three key aspects. First, we aim to establish a smooth and effective business model within the ornamental fish and aquaculture industry. It's crucial for us to create a solid foundation for the industry that can foster growth and sustainability in the long run.

Second, we want to raise public awareness about the enjoyment that comes from ornamental fish and the different levels of Taiwan's aquaculture industry. By doing so, we hope to expand the market and inspire more people to appreciate the beauty and value of this industry.

Lastly, it's essential for us to pave the way for future generations, students, and industry professionals in the industry. We strive to be the first in providing consulting services in this industry, but we don't want to be the only one. 

Our goal is to inspire others to join us in this journey, creating a thriving ecosystem of experts and consultants who can contribute to the growth and prosperity of the aquaculture industry.

As a founder, I’m driven by these three guiding principles, and I believe that by achieving these objectives, we can consider our venture a success.

Q. 你會對其他的有野心和熱情的創業家說什麼? / What would you tell aspiring startup founders? 



Having professional knowledge and technical skills is fundamental, as the world is vast and full of opportunities. While a profitable business model is essential, it can be easily replicated. 

Therefore, what truly matters and sets you apart is the value of your brand. This brand value comes from self-discipline, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

About Fish Act Inform

Q. 魚活通是誰? /  Who is Fish Act Inform?



In a nutshell, Fish Act Inform is a company dedicated to shaping the future of the aquaculture industry with professionalism.

We are a company specializing in the ornamental fish and aquaculture industry. Our goal is to reshape the public's perspective on this industry while establishing a long-term and more stable foundation in terms of technology and academia. At the same time, we aim to increase our clients' brand visibility within the industry and boost their sales.

Q. 用幾句話說明你的公司還有你要解決的問題 / What is your company and problems you are addressing in a few sentences?



We noticed a gap in the market for professional consultants within the aquatic animal breeding industry, and we decided to fill this void. Fish Act Inform is well-versed in the challenges and opportunities of the aquarium and aquaculture industry, and we are committed to helping businesses by leveraging our customized marketing strategies, along with our years of experience and industry insights. We aim to provide assistance in marketing strategies, sales channels, and professional expertise.

Q. 用簡單的句子形容,你能為誰提供什麼服務 / 產品? / In a few sentences, what do you offer and to whom? 



Whether you have a single aquarium or a whole pond full of fish, our company is here to help you find solutions if you need any professional advice in the aquaculture industry . 

We're passionate about offering our expertise to anyone in need, and our mission is to provide guidance and support in overcoming the challenges faced by fish enthusiasts and aquaculture professionals alike. 

Q. 為什麼現在是你的公司存在的時間點? / Why is now the time for your company to exist?




In the aquaculture industry, we're currently witnessing a generational shift. The new generation is constantly bringing fresh ideas and perspectives to the table. With the rise of small-scale farming culture, the aquaculture industry is undergoing a huge transformation from traditional supply chain models to more direct sales and brand-focused strategies.

Similarly, the ornamental fish market has undergone a transformation from complex, multi-faceted requirements to a more specialized, and simplified approach. The emergence of small, specialized studios and the maturation of community culture have contributed to this industry-wide shift.

Taking these factors into account, we find ourselves at the beginning stages of a major industry transformation. This makes it the perfect time for professional consulting companies like ours to step in and provide guidance, support, and expertise during this crucial period of change. We believe our company is ideally positioned to help shape the future of the industry and drive it towards greater success.

Q. 和我們分享目前為止,關於你的產品 / 服務受市場歡迎的吸引力是什麼 ? / What’s most exciting about your traction to date?



In the midst of significant changes facing the entire aquarium and aquaculture industry, customers choose to trust us because we present them with the most customized solutions based on our years of accumulated experience in the industry. Through these services, we have indeed achieved 200-500% growth in profits for our clients.

We are proud and fortunate to witness such growth in our customers, and seeing their progress is our greatest motivation to keep moving forward. We hope that in the future, we can continue to help more clients with our expertise and progress together with the entire industry.

Q. 你認為在今年你的成長里程碑會是什麼 ? / Where do you think your growth and milestones will be for 2023? (Short term)



This year, we will focus on increasing the profits of our primary clients and actively plan promotional events and exhibitions to expand our market reach. We hope to showcase the joys of the aquarium and aquaculture industry to a wider audience.

We believe that these efforts will not only help people understand the value we bring to our clients but also allow them to see the potential of the aquarium and aquaculture industry.

Q. 目前你的公司正在尋找什麼? (例如:資金、新市場擴張、人才?) / What would be the 3 things that your company is looking for now? (e.g. Funding, new market expansion, new hires?) 


At this stage, the primary focus for our company is talent. We believe that having the right people on board is crucial to achieving our goals and scaling our business. We're looking for individuals who are passionate about the ornamental fish and aquaculture industry and share our vision for its future. So, if you're someone who's driven, skilled, and enthusiastic about this industry, we'd love to have a further conversation!

Meet The Team

Q. 你有團隊嗎? 請介紹一下團隊成員,以及你是如何找到他們並且建立現在的團隊? / Do you have a team? If yes, who are they, and how did you go about building your team?



Yes, we have a flexible team that adapts to our business needs, consisting of administrative professionals, designers, veterinarians, landscape designers, feed manufacturers, PR and media companies, and specialized aquarium studios and breeding facilities. 

We brought together individuals with unique skills, expertise, and a shared passion for the ornamental fish and aquaculture industry, ensuring our company can tackle challenges and provide the best solutions for our clients. 

Special Question

Q. 你會如何和其他新創公司的創辦人分享你的經驗和感想,關於成為理想Ideal 社群中的一員? / What would you tell other startup founders about being part of the Ideal community and your experience here?

專業和知識是新創存活的基本條件,在這社群世代中唯有作出獨特商業模式和難以被撼動、複製的品牌價值才是企業成長的核心。而我也認為 Ideal 提供的環境以及所有的支持,都是新創們繼續成長、茁壯的推力!

Professionalism and knowledge are fundamental requirements for a startup's survival. In this community-driven era, only unique business models and unshakable, hard-to-replicate brand value are at the core of a company's growth. And I believe that the environment and support provided by The Ideal Venture Studio are the driving forces for startups to continue growing and thriving!

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