Ideal Founder Series 011
Wayne Ma, Founder of Blue Diamond
Sep 1, 2023
About Founder
藍鑽國際商業有限公司的創始人 - 馬偉恩,從高中畢業後便與珠寶行業締造了緊密的連結。從最初在Facebook 上經營網路拍賣開始,他不斷學習並深化對珠寶各面向的理解,最終將專注力放在了高級珠寶之上。
"What constrains us is not what we lack, but how we perceive and deal with the insufficient."
The moment he graduated from high school, Wayne Ma, the founder of Blue Diamond Commercial Ltd., has formed a strong bond with the jewelry industry. Starting from running an online auction on Facebook, he continuously learned and deepened his knowledge of all aspects of jewelry, and eventually focused on the fine jewelry sector.
Wayne always has the belief that "what constrains us is not what we lack, but how we perceive and deal with that insufficient". During the process of establishing Blue Diamond, he experienced numerous challenges and even paid the price of losing friendships. However, his proactive attitude towards adversities and challenges allowed him and Blue Diamond to establish a robust multinational team in the highly competitive jewelry industry, offering clients reasonably priced fine jewelry.
Wayne maintains the same philosophy when interacting with each client. He understands that each client's needs are unique, and hence, he focuses on their requirements. Optimizing between their expectations and reality, planning the best investment portfolio for them. This is Wayne's promise, and it is also Blue Diamond’s commitment to every customer.
Q. 請用三個詞形容你自己 / Use three words to describe yourself
真誠、耐心、堅忍Sincerity, patience, and perseverance.
Q. 如果你沒有開始你的事業,現在的你會在做什麼呢? / If you weren’t building your startup, what would you be doing?
I’d probably find somewhere whereI I could learn more about the design and development of an app, or maybe find a position in the financial industry. Since I got a keen interest in numbers and technology development. Even though I’ve been engaged in the jewelry industry since graduating from high school, I think it’s always nice to keep an open mind, and discover more in life.
Q. 在創業的過程中,你遇到的最大驚喜是什麼 ? / What is the biggest surprise you’ve experienced along the way?
I’ve once partnered with a colleague friend to create a brand focusing on light jewelry. Initially, we successfully expanded quickly within major department stores. However, the reality of entrepreneurship is harsh, nothing is eternal, and the only constant is unexpected changes.
The initial success of the new brand was indeed exciting. However, including the business accounts, personnel expenses, and all cash flows, were managed by my partner. Over time, I found that the company's accounts weren’t transparent, and the capital that should have been returned to me could not be recovered. Even so, for the operation of the brand, I continued to invest more personal funds into the company's operations.
Eventually, this even impacted my main jewelry business, causing a shortage of capital. Faced with such a dilemma, one of my old customers, who was also a friend of mine, provided assistance without hesitation after learning the news, allowing me to overcome the difficulties. However, this experience made me focus more on the operation of my own business and choose not to actively seek business partners.
In the process, the selfless help of an old friend moved me deeply. I have always treated every customer as a friend and operated the business on the principles of honesty and sincerity. Some people say that I am too honest to make big money, but I firmly believe that doing the right things and persevering will eventually become my own rewards.
Q. 在創業的過程中,你面對最艱難的挑戰是什麼 ? / What significant challenges have you faced when working on this company?
輕珠寶 - 特指細小造型台鑲嵌小寶石的商品。而除輕珠寶類型外,還有一般傳統寶石戒墜、婚戒鑽戒等,但凡商品本身的「主石」不具稀有性、增值潛力的,通常會被認定為配戴型首飾。
"Light jewelry" specifically refers to pieces featuring small gemstones set into delicate designs. Beyond this type, there are traditional gemstone pendants, wedding and diamond rings. However, if the "main stone" of the piece is not rare or does not have appreciation potential, it is usually categorized as wearable jewelry.
Only those pieces whose "main stone" is highly scarce, with market demand exceeding supply and offering potential for investment appreciation, qualify as true fine jewelry. This is very niche within the entire jewelry industry, with very few individuals specializing in this domain.
Blue Diamond largely focuses on fine jewelry. The logic behind this is that fine jewelry is less likely to lose its value due to time or other external factors. In the long run, its value presents a considerable potential for appreciation. Even though the majority of people still lack an understanding of the inherent value of fine jewelry, it's gradually revealing its worth as an investment asset.
The rarity of fine jewelry, coupled with the increasingly robust demand, leads to constant rises in the source price. Therefore, continuously seeking fine jewelry with high value for our clients and elevating their expected returns on their investment portfolios is no doubt a challenging task.
Q. 你是怎麼衡量你的成功? 你衡量的標準是什麼? / At the moment, how do you measure success? What are your metrics?
Our success stems from a straightforward yet crucial philosophy: enabling our clients to profit in the field of jewelry investment.
For us, jewelry is more than a physical ornament; it symbolizes wealth. To our clients, each piece of exquisite jewelry not only carries its unique story and significance but can also become a part of their long-term assets.
We hope that this value proposition encourages our clients to share our services, introducing us to more friends and family. We firmly believe that our success springs from the trust and referrals of our clients, and their success serves as the best advertisement for us.
Q. 可以和我們分享目前為止,關於你的產品/服務受市場歡迎的吸引力是什麼?
Blue Diamond is able to provide our clients with precious fine jewelry at source prices, items that are hard to find on the market, yet have strong demand in international auctions and collector's markets, and their prices continue to rise.
The uniqueness and scarcity of these jewels essentially act as a ticket to potential wealth growth. Since such assets come with numerous advantages, one of which is that when you possess a specific piece of fine jewelry, it can continuously generate future returns for you.

Q. 你會對其他的有野心和熱情的創業家說什麼? / What would you tell aspiring startup founders?
Never stop doing the right things, stick to the plan as the victory will eventually come.
A good decision won’t always show its value at the very moment when they’re made, it may have to be polished through challenges time after time, until they finally glow.
About Blue Diamond
Q. 藍鑽是誰,並說明藍鑽想解決的問題? / Who is Blue Diamond? And what are the problems you and Blue Diamond are trying to address in a few sentences?
We are dedicated to analyzing the intricacies of the jewelry market for each client, providing professional and tailored investment advice, and diligently seeking out fine jewelry that truly has appreciation potential and fits the unique style of the client.
For customers interested in the field of jewelry investment but lacking relevant knowledge, we also assist them in overcoming obstacles through professional analysis and guidance. We help them find the jewelry that best meets their needs in the market and assist them in taking the first successful step in the field of fine jewelry at a reasonable price close to the source.
Q. 用簡單的句子形容,你能為誰提供什麼服務 / 產品? / In a few sentences, what do you offer and to whom?
我們公司為所有打算將高級珠寶納入資產配置的客戶服務,提供專業的市場分析與建議、找尋坊間難以見到的稀有收藏型珠寶,最重要的是從產地直接進口的源頭價格,和一般的珠寶供應商相比,我們更像是客戶的私人顧問,為新接觸珠寶領域的投資者領路,讓資深的珠寶藏家可以更全面掌控自己的投資規劃。Our company is dedicated to serving clients who intend to include fine jewelry into their investment portfolios. We provide not only professional market analysis and advice but also sources rarely seen on the market. Most importantly, we import directly from the source and offer at source price, positioning ourselves more like private consultants than typical jewelry suppliers. We guide newcomers in the field of jewelry investment and help experienced jewelry collectors to have a more comprehensive control over their investment planning.

Q. 為什麼現在是你的公司存在的時間點? / Why is now the time for your company to exist?
For a long time, jewelry was perceived as a pure luxury item, a symbol of social prosperity and stability. However, following a series of international events such as the war between Ukraine and Russia, the hike of interest rate, the bankruptcy of banks and even countries, people began to realize that fiat and real estate they held were not as stable as they had imagined. Thus began to seek out hedging tools with better liquidity and higher security.
In the meantime, fine jewelry, long cherished as heirlooms by royal families and wealthy clans, started attracting the attention of investors and high-net-worth individuals. Such jewelry, with its traits of wealth concentration, high liquidity, low holding costs, tax benefits, anonymity, easy transferability, easy identification, suitability for family heritage, and its ability to highlight status and taste, is slowly becoming recognized by the public.
However, while an increasing number of people want to invest in jewelry, due to a lack of professional knowledge, they struggle to distinguish between genuinely valuable fine jewelry and regular wear jewelry, and even find it difficult to access these rare high-end pieces.
In such an environment, our company offers comprehensive services, from sharing professional knowledge to assisting clients in acquiring rare jewelry, we provide everything our clients need.
Q. 目前你的公司正在尋找什麼? (例如:資金、新市場擴張、人才?) / What would be the 3 things that your company is looking for now? (e.g. Funding, new market expansion, new hires?)
Our team has highly professional partners at every stage of the supply chain. While this is our core competitiveness, we also need exceptional talents capable of developing potential investment groups.
We understand that the acquisition of customers and the provision of value are highly linked to one another. Given that the target market for fine jewelry is relatively small, we need to more accurately capture potential customers. Which will allow us to serve those who truly need but haven’t already ventured into fine jewelry, and bring a fresh new perspective to their investment portfolios.
Meet The Team
Q. 你有團隊嗎? 請介紹一下團隊成員,以及你喜歡你團隊的什麼部分? / Do you have a team? If yes, what do you love about your team??
In contrast to typical regional jewelers, our team members are all scattered around the world, each specializing in different niches within the jewelry industry. Our team searches for the most exclusive gem sources, thoroughly analyzes trends in the international trading market, and crafts exquisite pieces of art. Their profound knowledge ensures that we can provide our clients with the most rigorous guarantee in terms of quality and price.
This kind of team not only possesses unparalleled flexibility but also exhibits high professional competence. Each team member can focus on their own area of expertise with the assurance that they have the support from the whole team. Such a comprehensive and coordinated team is all a startup could ever ask for.
Special Question
Q. 你會如何和其他新創公司的創辦人分享你的經驗和感想,關於成為理想Ideal 社群中的一員? / What would you tell other startup founders about being part of the Ideal community and your experience here?
我很榮幸能身為 Ideal 社群中的一員,Ideal 的每位夥伴都付出了許多心力將大家連結在一起,共享資源,互利互惠。
除了在日常營運及生意的面相以外,Ideal 也積極的和會員們建立良好關係,並串連所有會員,讓共享辦公室不僅是一個空間,而是一個真正的社群、一個溫暖的家。
I am honored to be a part of the Ideal community. The whole Ideal team pours great passion and effort into connecting all of us, fostering resource sharing and mutual benefit.
Beyond the everyday operations and business activities, Ideal is also dedicated to building strong relationships with our members and tightly interconnecting everyone. This turns the co-working space into something more than just a physical space. It becomes a genuine community, a warm and supportive home.