Ideal Founder Series 014 Andrew Chen, Founder of Fortune AI
Jan 23, 2024
( English Version Below v v v v )
Fortune AI 官網:
Bucket Analytics 官網:
About Andrew
《 生活 》
「平時對 Andrew 的印象是沈著、冷靜的,但在訪談開始沒過多久後,便清楚感受到 Andrew 心中的熱情所在。」
我總是喜歡在各處吸收一些知識,這幫助我累積了許多對在建立 Fortune AI 的過程中非常實用的技能。我學會了處理人際關係,與同事有效溝通,甚至研究工程編碼等技術。我認為這都是不斷成長的一部分。
運動是我社交的方式、是我放鬆的方式以及和與朋友聯繫的方式。Fortune AI 不僅僅是個公司,它是我的興趣與職業生涯的融合。
《 The Hub 》
「當 Fortune AI 成為了 Andrew 生活的一部分,團隊自然也和他變得密不可分。在關係如此緊密的團隊中,面對日常的態度變成了團隊前進與否的關鍵。」
我過去的背景十分多元,曾經也是個所謂的學生運動員,在求學階段選擇了統計學為我四年鑽研的領域,對商業也多少有些接觸與關注,同時也不斷地向外學習新知識。在我的團隊中更像是一個 Hub 的角色,將所有的項目彙整在一起,一點一滴的推動我們的成長。
《 熱愛 & 信念 》
「即便是再和諧、有效率的團隊,總是會有某些日子特別的難熬,Fortune AI 身為藍海市場中的領跑者,需要不斷面對未曾有人遇過的挑戰,如何熬過辛苦的日常便成了重要的課題。」
面對公司營運的日常,即便團隊成員間互相合作,仍會有表現不如預期的日子,在這些日子中,帶著 Fortune AI 繼續前進的,是信念與熱情。
「Do what you love, love what you do.」
我投入這個領域,創立了 Fortune AI ,最大的原因就是我熱愛運動。我深信只有熱愛你所做的事情,才有辦法做得出色。
About Fortune AI
Fortune AI 致力於提供運動場館創新和安全性,為廣大的運動愛好者及民眾,為一般的運動場館中加入了不一樣的新元素,為運動愛好者及民眾,提供一個更安全、更有趣的運動智能場館。
在提高運動本身的觀賞性、參與度以及運動後樂趣的延續的同時,Fortune AI 也將建立安全的運動場館視為他們的使命之一。
Bucket Analytics - Fortune AI 的旗艦產品,以創新的技術為籃球項目的娛樂性及精彩程度大幅的提升,同時 Safe Swim 為不同大小、等級游泳場館的泳客及場館人員,帶來了前所未有的安全。
Fortune AI 官網:
《 球據 》
「身為籃球愛好者,Andrew 對於球員、籃球好者等等的喜好以及在紀錄過程中會遭遇到的困難都十分的清楚,透過 Bucket 的協助,Andrew 不僅解決了自己曾經遇到過的困擾,更為在台灣十分普及的籃球運動,增添了更多樂趣及專業度。」
而 Bucket 完美的同時解決了這兩個問題,透過 Bucket 快速升級籃球場館現有的硬體,讓所有場館使用者可以在場上來回攻防後,有基本的數據資料可以做參考,同時可以在結束後獲得個人的 Highlight 剪輯。
Bucket Analytics 官網:
《 安心泳 》
SAFESWIM AI,在守護泳客安全的同時,也為救生人員提供更好的工作環境及保障。
SAFESWIM AI 系統不僅能與與現有的攝影設備無縫結合,在利用 SAFESWIM AI 辨識泳客安全性的同時,提供即時的風險警報和救生支援,讓泳池管理變得前所未有的簡單與高效。
而 SAFESWIM 的誕生,目的並不是取代救生員的工作,而是用來協助並提升救生員及場館管理者的工作效能及保障。
通過智慧分析和數據預測,SAFESWIM 也能協助泳池場館做出更明智的管理決策,提升泳池的運營效率和顧客滿意度。
Personal Relationship with Fortune AI
「和 Andrew 對話的過程,不難發現他對籃球的熱忱,而這樣的熱忱也驅使著他,以自己的獨特觀點和方式解決他在打球過程中遇到的問題。」
籃球是我生活中重要的一部分,我希望透過 Bucket,所有熱愛籃球的人都可以重拾對紀錄的熱忱,同時將球場上的快樂延續到球場下的生活中。
「Andrew 是個活潑、輕鬆的創辦人,但在面對工作的時候,Andrew 對自己有非常高的期望和標準,能夠充分感受到他 “Do what you love, love what you do” 的態度。」
講到籃球,大家自然會想到 NBA ; 講到台灣羽球,第一時間都會想到戴資穎,而這樣的形象和影響力正是我希望 Fortune AI 可以在接下來一步一步的去建立的。我們希望未來所有走進運動場館的人們,第一時間就會去注意場館是否有使用 Fortune AI 的服務,成為一個大家看到後會安心的象徵,讓 Fortune AI 成為一個標竿。
Fortune AI X Industry Insights
《 商品化 》
我們希望不管未來大眾不管到哪個運動場館,SafeSwim 和 Bucket 都為運動體驗增添更多色彩。我們希望這些場館不僅為大眾帶來全新的運動體驗,更能為運動者或是場館管理團隊在安全面向帶來更有保障的日常。
《 建立數據庫 》
Fortune AI 所處的市場是個全新的領域 - 安全智能運動場館,我們所需要的數據基本上是沒有被收集過的,因此我們花費了許多心力在建立我們自己的數據庫。
《 什麼時候可以開始?》
很多人會很好奇在一個那麼創新的領域,到底該怎麼確認自己的產品或是服務,和市場中的需求是否有對應到,是否有達到 PMF?當然在這個反覆調整的過程中,我們會需要不斷的去測試、去分享以得到更多元的回饋。
依我過去的經驗,第一,不要找太親近的朋友 ; 第二,如果對方的反應很主動,不斷地詢問問題,並且十分關注什麼時候可以獲得產品/服務,或甚至是合作機會。那很有可能我們就是我們正在往對的方向前進了。
我不敢說這是個 100% 準確的判斷方法,但這是我從開始了 Fortune AI 後不斷反覆驗證得到的結論,我相信科技始於人性,不管科技再怎麼發達,人們的反應總是最真實的。
Personal Reflections & Advice
《雞湯 》
健身的時候,我們經常聽到 "No pain no gain" 這句話,雖然有點像勵志語錄,但當你真正踏上不管是健身、或是和我一樣開始自己的事業的話,你就會深刻體會到它真正的意義。
在 Ideal 的這段旅程中,Ideal 團隊給予了我多方面的支持。正如我之前所提到的,我從不認為自己是某個領域的專家,更像是個通才。在Darren和Harry的協助下,我一步步地建立了Fortune AI。通過不斷的討論和學習,我逐漸找到了如何塑造自己的品牌並調整商業模式的方法。在這樣的環境中,我的通才特質逐漸轉化為我最大的優勢。
借助他們豐富的過往經驗,我能夠在短時間內通過大量的案例研究吸收各種知識。然而我認為,Ideal 團隊之所以能提供這樣的幫助,不僅因為他們過去累積了豐富經驗,更因為他們在經營整個Ideal 社群時的專注和努力!
《It’s just LIFE》
“Initially, my impression of Andrew was that of someone calm and composed. However, it didn't take long into our conversation for me to clearly tell where his passion lies.”
For me, life is an ongoing journey of learning and exploration. When I look back at my educational background and experiences, I don't consider myself to have a specific expertise or specialization. I see myself more as a versatile individual.
I've always enjoyed absorbing knowledge from various sources, and this has equipped me with a diverse skill set that has proven immensely valuable in building Fortune AI.
Along the way, I've learned how to navigate interpersonal relationships, effectively communicate with colleagues, and even delve into technical aspects like engineering and coding. I view all of this as a vital part of personal growth.
However, my true passion lies in the world of sports. Sports isn't just a hobby for me; it's an integral part of my life. It serves as my social outlet, my way to unwind, and a means to connect with friends. Fortune AI isn't merely a company; it's the combination of my interests and my career.
《 The Hub 》
“When Fortune AI became a part of Andrew's life, the team naturally became inseparable from him. In such a tightly-knit team, attitudes towards their everyday life has become the key to whether the team would progress or not.”
My background has been quite diverse. I was once an athlete as a student and chose statistics as my major for four years. I've had some exposure to and interest in business as well. I'm constantly learning and acquiring new knowledge from various sources.
That's why the role I’m playing in the team is more as a Hub, allowing me to bring all the projects together and gradually drive our growth.
In the day-to-day operations of the company, whether I'm dealing with a domain where I have relatively more experience or when I learned something new, I am always enthusiastic and enjoy sharing with the team. I’d share guidance or advice whenever I can.
However, when I encounter areas I'm not familiar with, I tend to seek the opinions and thoughts of others, ensuring that team members can leverage their individual strengths and expertise to the fullest.
As the founder of the company, I still have to delve deep into various scenarios and make the most suitable decisions. However, the most valuable asset a startup could have is being able to work closely and harmoniously through the entire process of discussion, digestion, and ultimately output with the collective effort of the team.
《Love what you choose》
“Even in the most harmonious and efficient teams, there are always some particularly rough days.
As a leader in this blue ocean market, Fortune AI continually faces unexpectable challenges. How they navigate through tough days becomes an important lesson.”
In the face of the daily operations of the company, even with teamwork, there are days when we don’t reach our own expectations. On those days, what fuels our journey with Fortune AI is our unwavering belief and passion.
“Do what you love, love what you do.”
Unlike some entrepreneurs who start off from a clear market need, my motivation is simple: my passion for sports. I believe every team has its unique way of facing challenges. For us, the drive to move forward comes from believing in what we do and passionately committing to it.
The biggest reason for me to venture into this field and founded Fortune AI is the passion I got for sports. I firmly believe that only by loving what you do can you excel.
About Fortune AI
Fortune AI is dedicated to ensuring innovation and safety in sports venues. Integrating new tech into traditional sports facilities, making them safer and more enjoyable for sports enthusiasts and the general public.
While enhancing the entertainment value, participation, and post-game enjoyment of sports, Fortune AI also emphasizes establishing secure sports venues as one of its most important missions.
Bucket Analytics - Fortune AI's flagship product - significantly elevates the entertainment and excitement of basketball gatherings, while Safe Swim ensures safety for swimmers and venue staff in swimming facilities of various sizes and levels.
Fortune AI Website:
《Bucket Analytics》
“As a basketball enthusiast, Andrew understands the preferences of basketball enthusiasts, as well as the challenges they encounter in the recording process. With the assistance of Bucket Analytics, Andrew not only resolved the issues he had faced but also added more fun and professionalism to the widely popular sport of basketball in Taiwan.”
The beauty of basketball lies within split seconds, yet capturing those moments can be quite challenging. Game stats are almost impossible to be recorded correctly while enjoying the game. So, I started wondering if there’s a way to have both stats and video recorded.
Bucket Analytics came as the perfect solution to address these two challenges simultaneously. By rapidly upgrading the existing hardware in basketball venues, Bucket Analytics allows all venue users to have essential data for reference after playing on the court. Moreover, it provides personal highlight clips after the game, enhancing the overall experience!
Bucket Analytics Website:
《Safe Swim》
SAFE SWIM AI improves the safety of public swimming pools, while providing lifeguards a better working environment and security.
The SAFE SWIM AI system seamlessly integrates with existing cameras. By utilizing SAFE SWIM AI to assess the safety of swimmers, it offers real-time risk event alerts and lifeguard support, simplifying pool management to a whole new level of efficiency and precision.
It's important to note that SAFE SWIM's purpose is not to replace the work of lifeguards but to assist and enhance their effectiveness, along with aiding facility managers in ensuring safety.
Through intelligent analysis and data forecasting, SAFE SWIM also assists swimming pool facilities in making more informed management decisions, thereby increasing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
SAFE SWIM Website:
“During my conversation with Andrew, it's easy to see his passion for basketball, and this passion drives him to tackle the challenges he faces on the court in his own unique way.”
Peer pressure often subtly influences our decisions, and the same holds true on the basketball court. Back when I was a student playing basketball, we used to record each other's games or even create our own highlights. However, as we grew older, the idea of recording games became less comfortable. Even if our fellow players didn't mind, there was still a certain impression that lingered, creating an invisible resistance that made recording less appealing.
Basketball is a significant part of my life, and through Bucket, I hope that everyone who loves basketball can find their passion for recording and extend the joy from the court into their everyday lives once again.
《Iconic Brand》
“Andrew is a lively and easygoing startup founder, but when it comes to work, he has high expectations and standards for himself. You can truly feel his “Do what you love, love what you do” spirit.”
When it comes to basketball, NBA is usually the first thing that comes up in our mind; when we think of badminton, the first name that usually comes to our mind is Tai Tzu-Ying. It's these kinds of images and influences that I hope Fortune AI can gradually build.
Our vision is for everyone who steps into a sports venue in the future to immediately notice whether the facility is using Fortune AI's services. We want to become a symbol of trust, setting the benchmark.
Fortune AI X Industry Insights
Transforming sports science theories into practical, everyday products for the general public is extremely exciting, and that's exactly what we're aiming for.
We've seen many astonishing sports technologies, but the true value of these sports science theories, or any innovative technology for that matter, lies in how they can enhance the quality of life for the masses, allowing more people to benefit from the advancements in technology.
And now, we have officially partnered with the Taipei Daan Sports Center, integrating our technology into the facility to bring a wider range of sports experiences and enhanced safety to the community at Taipei Daan Sports Center.
We hope that wherever the public goes for their sports activities, SafeSwim and Bucket Analytics will add more vibrancy to their experience. We aspire for these venues to not only offer a refreshing sporting experience to the public but also to provide a more secure and assured environment for both the athletes and the venue management teams.
Related News Links:
Economic Daily News:
《Data from scratch》
Fortune AI operates in a brand-new market - the intelligent sports venue. The data we need has mostly been uncollected, so we've devoted considerable effort to building our own database.
Swimming is a common activity in Taiwan, both in daily life and in the education system. However, even though it's such a common activity, there isn't much detailed data about it.
We know many elders enjoy swimming in the morning but don't have specific data on such consumer behaviors like when swimming pools are busiest, how long people usually swim, or which swimming lanes are used most on different days. So, one of our big challenges at the moment is to create a database that includes all these information.
《 When do we start? 》
Many people are curious about how to ensure that their products or services align with the market's needs in such an innovative field, and whether they have achieved Product-Market Fit . Of course, this process involves continuous testing and pitching to others so that we gather more feedback with a rather diverse standpoint.
Deciding whom to share with and how to use that sharing to find out clues are also crucial tasks for startup founders!
From my experience, first, avoid sharing too much with close friends; second, if someone is proactive regarding this subject, keeps asking questions, or even discusses potential collaboration, it's likely that we're heading in the right direction.
I can't claim this to be 100% accurate, but it's a conclusion I've repeatedly validated since the start of Fortune AI. I believe technology starts with human nature; no matter how advanced technology becomes, people's reactions are always the most genuine.
Personal Reflections & Advice
《Chicken Soup for the soul》
When we hit the gym, we often hear the saying 'No pain, no gain.' It sounds more like a motivational quote, but when you really devote your energy on a journey, whether it's fitness or, like me, starting a business, you begin to understand its true meaning.
When you're fully committed and believe in what you're doing, this phrase becomes more than just an inspiration; it’s a reflection of reality.
Before I started my own business, I never really believed in the Law of Attraction. But once I fully immersed myself and focused on my venture, I realized that there are many people in the world willing to help you, as long as you pursue your goals sincerely and put in the effort!
In this journey with Ideal, the Ideal team has provided me with diverse support. As I mentioned earlier, I've never considered myself an expert in a specific field; I'm more of a generalist. With the assistance of Darren and Harry, I gradually built Fortune AI step by step.
Through continuous discussions and learning, I found ways to shape my brand and adjust the business model. In such an environment, my generalist qualities transformed into my greatest strengths.
Leveraging their extensive past experiences, I was able to absorb a wide range of knowledge through numerous case studies in a short period. However, I believe the reason why the Ideal team could offer such help is not only because of their accumulated experience but also because of their dedication and effort in running the entire Ideal community!