Ideal Founder Series 015 Leon, Founder of AquaFertile
Feb 6, 2024
( English Version Below v v v v )
About Leon
熱愛潛水的育銓將一個陪伴他深潛過的面鏡分享給我們,作為他在 Ideal Founder’s Story Wall 上的代表物,這個面鏡代表了育銓對潛水的熱愛,也代表了育銓和水之間的連結。


《Aim High, Move Fast, Start Small》
「創業即畢業的育銓,一步步建立了海沃水族,在背後支持著如此勇氣與成就的是育銓面對日常的心態 - Aim high, Move fast, Start small。」
Aim high -設定更高的目標可以引領我們到更遠的地方,一路上遭遇的種種,不論好壞,都將會是我們人生中重要的環節。
Move fast -
Start small - 設立更遠大的目標在帶給我動力的同時,也為自己帶來了不少壓力。對我而言,每天都取得一點進展、逐步實現小目標是消除壓力最好的方法。
About AquaFertile
《 讀心術 》

《 系統化 》

Next Step for AquaFertile
「玩家」諮詢服務: 系統性解決飼育過程中,碰到的疑難雜症
「專案」技術服務: 提供客製化的創新水生生物繁殖技術與解決方案
「企業」顧問服務: 從根本降低採補、貿易、畜養時的損耗,或協助場域的復育
About Leon
Leon got an incredible sense of awareness of his surroundings. Whether listening to his presentations as an audience or engaging in face-to-face conversations, one can quickly realize that Leon not only has a firm grasp on the subjects he wishes to convey but also capable of comprehending the emotions and feelings of his audience. This humility and attentiveness are also reflected in his interactions with aquatic life.
Leon is also a passionate diver, he shared a diving mask he has used with us on our Founder’s Story Wall. This mask symbolizes his love for diving and his connection with water and the drive to his venture.
Beyond his affection for aquatic life and diving as a hobby, anyone who has had conversation with Leon would likely find that he resembles water – flexible yet full of energy.

《Journey into Aquatic Passion》
In kindergarten, there was a huge aquascaping tank at school, about two meters wide. The principal often took us to feed the fish after class. I was deeply fascinated by the sight of the aquatic creatures swimming among the aquatic plants. Perhaps it was from that moment that my strong interest in aquatic life began to grow.
My aunt once gave me a fish tank, and I started keeping some dwarf cichlid in it. Observing the interactions and reproduction of the fish became a hobby. During the same period, I often visited an aquarium on my way home from school.
My love for aquatic life continued to grow, leading me to choose to major in Aquaculture at National Taiwan Ocean University. After graduating, I founded AquaFertile.

《Aim high, move fast, start small》
“As Leon started his business immediately after graduation and established AquaFertile, his approaches have always been driven by a simple yet powerful mindset - Aim high, Move fast, Start small.”
Aim High -
Setting big goals propels me to move toward further destinations. All the goods and bads along the way will eventually become beautiful chapters of our life.
Move Fast -
Acting swiftly helps avoid procrastination, internal resource depletion. Whether it's a daily task or even a business strategy, quick steps open new horizons for us. The proactive attitude not only accelerates our progress towards goals but also leads us to discover possibilities we never imagined.
Start Small -
While setting ambitious goals motivates me, it brings me pressure at the same time. For me, the best way to alleviate this pressure is by making small steps each day, achieving small goals step by step.
About AquaFertile
《Quality of life》
“As human beings, we all seek a certain level of quality and comfort in life. The efforts I have put in along the way are not just for my own life, but also for the lives and quality of aquatic creatures.”
I feel happy and fortunate to have known my passion from a young age. Aquatic life is a significant part of my existence, so working towards improving their quality of life has always been my focus.
My journey started with a simple love for these beautiful creatures in my childhood, which evolved into professional expertise as I grew up. Finally, through internships abroad, I gained insight into different markets and realized that in Taiwan, there is a general lack of basic knowledge about the proper care of aquatic life.
If we aim to add value to the industry, systematic knowledge exchange among all parties within the industry is essential, including both aquatic life vendors and the consumers.
《 Mind Reading 》
“We often think that we’re doing the best for aquatic life, like beautiful aquariums, decorations, and atmospheric lighting that enhance indoor aesthetics. But the truth is these might not be what these beautiful creatures truly need for a better environment.”
As someone who cares deeply about the well-being of these aquatic lifes, I know that providing proper care isn't something we can measure based on intuition or feelings, unless we’re able to read their mind.
Instead, we need systematic knowledge and standards. Factors like space, water quality, lighting, and even their behavior, feeding habits, or hormone levels are all part of numerous criteria. After getting involved in the industry, I've come to understand that animal welfare in the aquarium trade is an area where we can add real value.
We initially entered the market with our expertise in nutrition and feed, but gradually, other values we could offer began to be recognized. Now we focus more on assisting our clients in establishing complete cultivation processes and optimizing their facilities. We do this not only to bring more systematic professional knowledge to those in the aquarium industry but also for the benefit of aquatic life in every possible aspect.

《 Systematization 》
“AquaFertile was founded not for fame or success, but for the welfare of aquatic life. Achieving this goal requires the collective effort of the entire industry.”
During the establishment of AquaFertile, I constantly reminded myself of the importance of building a “system” – one that can respond appropriately to “circumstances”, with “error detection” and “feedback” to create a historical record. This mindset is crucial to ensure that the care of aquatic life doesn't come at the cost of their lives.
Our main clients include commercial aquariums, breeding farms, and marine exhibits, covering several key roles within the industry. We aim to bring systemic changes to the industry through systematic knowledge in the long run. And also, supply and demand are interdependent, so establishing consumer awareness still relies on the efforts of every role within the industry.
《Coral Reefs》
Coral reefs are vital habitats for many aquatic species, but due to both human activities and climate impact, healthy coral reefs are disappearing at an noticeable rate worldwide. The aquatic life that inhabits them is among the first to suffer, but eventually, this effect will spread throughout the entire ecosystem.
That's why AquaFertile has been actively collaborating with institutions like research institutions, foundations, and even museums since our inception. Together, we are working to contribute to the health of our ecosystems!

Next Step for AquaFertile
When I decided to establish AquaFertile, it was purely out of my love for aquatic life. In the early days, most of my focus was on academic research. But as time went by, I realized that to make a real difference, working alone wasn't enough. So, this year, we're focusing more on three main services: Consultation for hobbyists, project based technical services, and advisory services for corporations.
Hobbyist Consultation: Systematically addressing the challenges and issues encountered in breeding and care.
Project Technical Services: Providing customized, innovative techniques and solutions for aquatic life breeding.
Corporate Advisory Services: Reducing the losses in capture, trade, and husbandry fundamentally, or assisting in habitat restoration projects.